Global Search allows you to search in one location to find an account, contact, referral, expense, or event.
In this article, you will find
Fields Included in Search
Type | Fields Searched |
Accounts |
Contacts |
Referrals |
Expenses |
Limitations and Requirements of Global Search
Below are some pointers for preforming a search.
- When searching, a minimum of three characters must be used.
- It's important to remember that due to the large amount of data that could be reviewed to generate results, this tab could return results slower.
- There is a limit of 100 results that will be displayed. If you do not find what you're looking for in that amount of results, then you need to redefine your search.
- Must select at least one option to search.
- Doesn't load anything by default to reduce search times.
- If nothing is found, then you will get an error that says "No Results Found".
Why does the global search for events not include the associated accounts and contacts?
- The data for accounts and contacts is saved in another location. We could not have the search look through additional locations and return results quickly enough to be worthwhile for users.
Why is "Notes" filter off by default?
- This is off by default because the time to pull all result can be intensive.
Can you search for items with spaces?
- Yes, users are able to to search for items with spaces in the previously mentioned fields.
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