Each user has an assigned role in Marketscape CRM. The role, in turn, determines what features the user has access to as they use the CRM. This article is an overview of how roles work in Marketscape CRM.
Default roles are set up as part of setting up business lines. (The default roles are visible in the image below.) These roles include default permissions that are already set up for different user personas. Unless you have specific permission requirements that you already know that you need to set up, we strongly encourage you to use the defaults early on and make changes as you and your company adapt to using Marketscape CRM and uncover changes that align with your strategies.
In this article
Summary of Roles
The following includes everything you need to know about roles.
- Each role is a collection of permissions for different functions and features in Marketscape CRM
- As an account admin, you can create as many roles as you want depending on the features you want to provide to different groups of users
- You assign a role or roles to a user when you create their account.
For more information, see Adding a new User.
- Every user with the same role assigned will have the same access to features
- If you make changes to the permissions in a specific role, all users with that role will gain or lose access to functions or features together.
Example - A contact is the record in the database for a specific person a sales rep would talk to at an account. A user may be able to do none, some, or all of the following:
- Create a contact
- Edit a contact
- View a contact
- Delete a contact
There are more possible actions, but this makes the point. Depending upon what you decide a user needs to do, you would set up the role to either allow access to any of the listed actions above, or not provide the permission.
Working with Roles in Marketscape CRM
Since all user accounts will be created in Marketscape Admin, roles can be set up when you create the user account, or you can add roles in Marketscape CRM > Settings. Once roles are added to a user's account in either Marketscape CRM or in Marketscape Admin, they can also be managed in either location.
Navigating to the Roles Settings
- Click on the "Settings" button in the left navigation
- Click on the "Role Management" link under "Territory Management."
Adding/Deleting Roles
- To add a role, click on the "New Role" button at the top of the page
- To delete a role, click on the "Delete" link to the left of the role name you wish to delete
Editing Roles
When you click on the "Edit" link to the left of a role name in the Role Management table, the settings in the image below open up for the selected role.
Since we are suggesting that you use the default settings in the default roles, we will not describe all of the settings here.
Working with Roles in Marketscape Admin
When you create a new user in Marketscape Admin, there is a section at the bottom of the "Add New User" dialog box that allows you to add roles to a user's account.
Every role that currently exists for your company will be visible in the left field.
To add a role to the selected user's account, click on the role in the left window and then click the "Add Selected" button.
If you are editing an existing user's account, you can also remove a role by selecting it in the right window and clicking the "Remove Selected" button.
Additional Resources
Next Step
Success! - If you have reached this point, you are ready to move on to Step 3 User Management.
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