Once you have set up everything else, you are ready to add users.
Just as in every other previous step where settings were set up as part of onboarding, most of your users will be set up as part of your onboarding as a new customer. This means that you will only need to add new employees, edit accounts for employees who change roles or regions, or delete users who leave your company.
In this article
The Users page
The following image and details provide the basics you need to know to work with the Users page.
Settings - Click on the "Settings" button in the left navigation to open the Settings page.
Click on the "Users" link under the "Territory Management" section to open the Users page.
User Licenses - You can only add new users if you have available licenses. If your company has used all available licenses, make contact with your Trella Health customer success manager to add new user licenses.
Search and
Filter users - Although you can browse through your list of users to find a specific user, if you work for a larger company, you will find it helpful to use the search and filter options at the top of the page. You can search for specific users by name, or filter the table to groups of users based on many different parameters, including roles, business lines, or sales territories. Narrow the number of entries in the table to find the user you are looking for.
Actions -
For any selected user, you can use the two links in the same row to View the user's account detail page, or Edit their account details. See Editing an Existing User below. Clicking the checkbox for multiple users will allow you to use Bulk Actions.
Your Users - The table on the Users page includes your users and some useful and important details about the user's account in each row and usage.
Bulk Actions - If you click on the checkbox to the left of any number of users, you can then select an option from the "Bulk Actions" dropdown to apply the same effect on all selected users in a single action.
There are two actions you can perform after you select multiple users.
- Reset Password - Sends an email to the selected users with instructions to reset their passwords.
- Manually Set Password - Opens a window that allows an account administrator to choose a new password for the selected user accounts.
Unreleased Users - This table displays users who have accounts, but who have never signed in to Marketscape CRM. The bulk action tool allows you to (re)-send the welcome email to a group of selected users.
Demo Users are either house accounts, or accounts used by Trella Health employees to have access to your company's Marketscape CRM environment in order to troubleshoot issues or teach product usage.
Inactive Users - If you disable a user, that user will be listed at the bottom of the page in the section for inactive users.
Creating or Editing a User Account
In order to create a new user account or to edit an existing user account, an account administrator will need to log in to Marketscape Admin. On the Users page, an admin can manage
- Basic User information - email, name, title
- Management relationships
- Product Access - Marketscape Insight, Marketscape CRM, and Strategy
- Markets - states of access
- Roles - that define which features are available to the user. Roles can also be managed for users in Marketscape CRM
For complete details, see Creating and Editing User Accounts.
Disabling a user
Don't delete users. Users have events, referrals, contacts and accounts aligned with these accounts. Instead, you should disable users. If you delete a user, those connections will be gone.
For all the details, see Disabling a User.
Next Step
Success! - If you have reached this point, you are ready to move on to Step 4 - System Setup.
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