Once expense settings are set up in Marketscape CRM, your sales reps will be able to add expenses as part of completing calls. Expenses are then forwarded automatically to the appropriate user for approval.
In this article
Where to Find Expense Settings
Click on the "Settings" button in the left navigation. The "Settings Links & Tools" menu will open up.
Click on the "Expense Settings" link in the menu. |
Enabling Marketer Budgets
Inactive by default, changing the drop-down menu in the Edit Marketer Budget section to Active will then change the section to allow the administrator to define the marketers' budget (below).
You can set the budget to either Monthly or Annually. You can also set the amount of the budget for that time period. As an example, a $1200 annual budget could either be set as a lump sum for the year, or set as $100 per month.
Once the appropriate budget details have been entered, clicking the "Save Budget" button will apply that budget to all marketers.
Only one budget amount can be set, and it is universal for all users that submit expenses.
Edit Expense Approval
This simple setting is merely a change in a drop-down menu, either enabling or disabling expense approvals. Selecting Enabled and clicking the "Save Approval Settings" button will allow expense approval in Marketscape CRM.
We recommend that you disable this setting. Marketscape CRM is not a replacement for your expense reimbursement software.
Stark II Annual Limits
The last section of the Expense Settings page allows account administrators to do two things:
- Set alert thresholds for annual compliance notifications per Contact Type.
- Add additional Contact Types to either Stark II Annual Limits.
Any of the Contact Types listed in the Not Applicable column can be dragged to either the $50 Annual Limit or $489 (This may vary year over year). Annual Limit columns, which will also add the appropriate alerting threshold for that column. Once any thresholds are modified, or any Contact Types are added to a column, clicking the Save i-Compli Settings button below the table will apply the new thresholds.
The image below displays 2023 limits. All annual limits can change year over year. In Marketscape CRM, these limits are updated for you each year. The image below will not necessarily be updated.
Important - Adding contact types that don't require Stark II compliance tracking can impact the tracking for contacts that should be tracked. As an example, if a Physician and a Case Manager are associated to an expense, and both contact types are set to track Stark II compliance, the amount of the expense will be divided equally between both contacts. However, if only the Physician should be tracked, the amount allocated will be misrepresented, since half of the expense was attached to the Case Manager. This misallocation can cause issues in the circumstances of an audit. For tracking and compliance accuracy, it's important to only add contact types that are required for Stark II compliance.
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