Pretty much every function in Marketscape CRM depends upon the integrity and accuracy of your sales territory configuration. In every case, Trella Health and your company worked together to set up this configuration at onboarding when your company became a new customer. Making changes or updates has a huge potential impact on every other setting in Marketscape CRM.
If you want/need to make changes we strongly suggest that you confer with your Trella Health customer success manager and plan in detail before you make changes.
Then, if it is time to make changes, follow the steps below.
How to add or remove a Territory Tier
If you look at the image above, you need to make sure you don't imagine a tree. Instead, you need to imagine roots. The tier at the top of the table represents the largest geographic regions. As you work your way down the table, each tier represents smaller sections of the region above. Tier 1, at the bottom, is where you will specify the most detailed level of geography. Tier 1 would normally be an area covered by a single office or agency.
- If you only have one tier, it will be tier 1.
- As you add tiers, you are building from the bottom up. You are adding larger regions
- This is why it is imperative to think through and work out the tiers at the beginning. When you add a tier, you are not breaking Tier 1 into smaller parts; you can only add a tier at the top.
If you need to add/change tiers it is really a good idea to get help from your CSM. What at first might appear as a simple change will probably require a lot of reassignments, changes to names and redesign of many connections.
Adding a Tier
To add a new tier, follow these directions
Click on the "New Tier" button at the top of the Sales Territory Configuration page.
Fill in the "Name" field with the name of your new tier. The "Plural Name" field will automatically add an "s" to make the name plural. You can edit this field if the autofill is incorrect.
After you are done, you can see the new territory at the top of the list.
Once you create a new tier, it will be empty until you add a new listing in the new tier.
In the example above, if we click on "Sales Territory Management," you will see that our new "Super Region" has no entries.
To add a "Super Region" click on the "New SuperRegion" button.
You guessed right. If you had named your tier something else, it would show up in the button.
The following form pops up.
Since our regions were previously large sections of the US, we will make a super region east of the Mississippi.
Click the "Save" button.
Adding the next lower tier (or is that higher?)
Now you need to connect the new tier to the tiers below.
Removing a Territory Tier
In the same way that adding a new tier represents a potentially massive list of tasks to complete, removing a territory tier might also require a lot of subsequent re-configuration.
If you are ready to remove a tier, follow this simple step.
Click on the "Delete" link to the left of the tier name you want to remove.
You will be challenged to confirm your desire to delete the tier:
Click on the "OK" button to confirm the deletion.
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