This article contains the steps you will want to follow to get started using Marketscape CRM.
A couple critical items
- Although this content is designed as "Get you Started" content, many of the steps below include continuous and ongoing tasks necessary for successful use of Marketscape CRM.
- Web v Mobile - Marketscape CRM has web application and a mobile application. As you proceed with the steps below, you will want to start your work on the web app, especially for steps one through 5. There are a couple of simple rubrics to help you know which app to use.
Web Application - better visibility | Mobile Application - on-the-go convenience |
Planning - your week, your strategy, with your team | Execution - in the field, during or after a visit, over lunch |
Working with multiple accounts, contacts, and/or events, etc. |
Daily tracking and updates to individual contacts, events, expenses. Speech to text |
In this article
In the following table, you can click on the links on the left to view the summary of the step in this article, or click on the link on the right to go directly to the article for each step.
Summary in this article |
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Step 1 - Log in to Marketscape CRM Web and Mobile Step 4 - Build Your Calendar of Events |
Step 1 - Log in to Marketscape CRM Web and Mobile Step 4 - Build Your Calendar of Events |
Step 1 - Log in to Marketscape CRM Web and Mobile
Marketscape CRM has 2 different applications that you will use frequently for different tasks and at different times.
- Marketscape Web can be accessed from any computer or laptop through a web browser at CRM.TrellaHealth.com.
- Marketscape Mobile is an application that you will need to download from the Apple store or the Android Play store.
- You will log in to either application using the same credentials - username (email) and password.
Your Credentials
You should have received a welcome email that identifies the email address used for your Marketscape CRM account. Included in the email is a temporary password you can use for your first login.
If you did not receive the welcome email, or you can't log in to Marketscape CRM, make contact with your company's Trella Health administrator or the Trella Health Support team at support@trellahealth.com.
If your organization has both Marketscape Insights and Marketscape CRM remember that each product has a separate login server. For you this means that, from a technical perspective, you have two separate accounts. The best option at this time is to set up both of these accounts with the same email and password.
Click on the following links for more information.
Marketscape CRM Mobile
To set up the mobile application for an Android phone or iPhone, click the links for instructions.
Step 2 - Check your Accounts
Once you are able to log in to Marketscape CRM and are familiar with basic navigation and common features you should confirm your accounts.
To see the accounts assigned to you, you will need to click on "Accounts" in the left navigation in Marketscape CRM. Your accounts will appear in the table. Browse through the list to confirm that all of your accounts are in the table. |
Some Details
- Definition - Trella Health defines an account as the physical place (street address) where a marketer or liaison may visit. Examples might be an individual or group practice office, a hospital, or any other facility.
- You will only see accounts in the "My Accounts" view on the Accounts page if the account has been assigned to you.
- If you know of a missing account, you will need to request ownership of that account. To request ownership of an account, you can find the account on the Marketscape Spotlight page. Click on the account name and Sales Spotlight will open for that account. You can then click on the button to manage ownership.
A couple best practices
- Although you can view your accounts in Marketscape CRM mobile on your phone, it is easier to view and manage your accounts, contacts, referrals, and events using the web application.
- As you learn more about using Marketscape CRM, you will discover that the best way to manage accounts, contacts, and events is by starting on the Accounts page. We call this the ACE process.
Go to Step 2 - Check your Accounts
Step 3 - Add Key Contacts
Once you have your accounts setup, it is time to add your contacts. As a sales rep, every person you plan to talk to needs to be recorded as a contact in Marketscape CRM. This is necessary for scheduling visits in the calendar and for tracking referrals.
When you click on the "Contacts" button in the left navigation in Marketscape CRM, the Contacts page will open and will display your current contacts. | ![]() |
Some Details
- You will only see contacts in the "My Contacts" view on the Contacts page if they have been assigned to you.
- People with NPIs can be easily added as contacts on the Market Spotlight page - find the person of interest and click on their name and then manage ownership. Some important decision makers do not have NPIs and will need to be added as a contact on the Contacts page.
- Contacts need to be associated with an account. (Or accounts need to be connected to your contacts, whichever way you want to look at it.) This is part of the process of setting up a contact, but it is important to remember this as you progress through the process.
Go to Step 3 - Add Key contacts
Step 4 - Build Your Calendar of Events
Once your accounts and contacts are fully set up, you will want to start filling up your calendar with events - meetings, visits, phone calls, etc. You can set up events to be recurring for any or all account activity at any desired cadence, e.g., weekly or monthly. When your calendar is filled, Marketscape CRM keeps you on track and efficient. In addition, you can track how you spend your time to measure the efficiency and effectiveness of your efforts.
Some Details
- Although you can manage your events from the Calendar page, if you follow the ACE process and build events starting on the Accounts page, you will be able to confirm the association between an account and a contact as you create the event.
- Your calendar is already populated with all health care observances, for example, breast cancer awareness, nurses week, etc. These alerts will prompt you to schedule relevant trainings or visits. Moreover, if you choose to track your contact's birthdays they will show up on your calendar.
Go to Step 4 - Build your Calendar of Events
Step 5 - View Admits, Non-Admits, and Pending Referrals
Marketscape CRM will keep you up to date on the status of your referrals. On the Referrals page, you can quickly identify admits, non-admits and pending admissions. This allows you to immediately react to schedule follow up calls or visits with accounts or contacts connected to a referral of any status.
When you click on the "Referrals" button in the left navigation in Marketscape CRM, the Referrals page will open and will display the most recent information about your referrals. | ![]() |
Best Practices
- On the Referrals page, you should only see referrals assigned to you. If you see referrals that are not yours, or you do not see known referrals, talk to your manager.
- The status of a specific referral will prompt a different action in response
- Admits - Success! You have confirmed a good referral source.
- Non-admits - Seek clarification - why was the patient not admitted?
- Pending - Follow up and see if there are actions you can take to convert to an admit
- Referral ownership - how are referrals assigned to you? See Viewing Referrals.
To properly report referrals, accounts and contacts need to be up to date.
Since we only identify three referral statuses, in Marketscape CRM for web, you will see a discharge date for the referral, but in Marketscape CRM mobile, you will only see an icon indicating that the patient was discharged.
Go to Step 5 - Viewing Referrals
Step 6 - Track your Activity
One of the strengths of Marketscape CRM is that it allows you to quickly and easily document what you are planning to do, and what you have done. Planning includes scheduling events in your calendar (Step 4) and checking your referrals (Step 5) which will also suggest scheduling needs. But after a visit or call, you can quickly document useful information in Marketscape CRM - call notes, new contacts, or updates to upcoming events with insights from the just completed visit.
Follow the ARC model for CRM documentation:
- Action - For the visit I just completed, what did I do, discuss, or present to drive sales?
- Reaction - What was the contact's response to my approach? You want to capture positive and negative impressions.
- Commitment - what follow up actions or commitments did I agree to as a result of the interaction?
Up to this point, the steps would be best carried out using the Marketscape CRM web application. Activity tracking, since it is best done immediately while a visit is fresh in your mind, should be completed using the Marketscape CRM mobile application.
Go to Step 6 - Track your Activity
Step 7 - Review your Performance
Before we learn how to review performance, let's review what we have learned. The previous five steps are required for initial set up of Marketscape CRM so that the software can support your work. Once functioning, steps 2 through 6 also represent required ongoing maintenance.
Here's the kicker! Based on all of the work you have done setting up accounts and contacts and events, along with updated referral information, Marketscape CRM provides a flood of useful reports that help you to evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness of your sales plan and your time in the field. Understanding historical strengths and weaknesses from the data allows you to tweak the model to produce even greater success in the future.
Although there are a lot of reports, there are two reports that are most useful for a sales rep:
- Advanced AE Summary Report
- AE Detailed Account Productivity Report
Go to Step 7 - Performance Reports
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