One of the rewards for all of your efforts and diligence in following the process up to this point is that Marketscape CRM has a TON of reports generated from your tracking and documentation that help you to see your progress and performance. Bottom line - there are some reports that will help you to evaluate your work.
To get to the reports, you will click on the "Reporting" button in the left navigation. This will open the Reporting page. | ![]() |
Who are you? - If you work with reports enough you will soon realize that, as a sales rep, you are sometimes called a "User," other times you are an "AE," (Account Executive), or you might be a "Marketer." Let's cut through the confusion - Look for your name or names of people you know. That is what matters anyway, no matter what the table calls you.
In this article
- Quick Orientation to the Reporting page
- Advanced AE Summary Report (Referrals)
- AE Detailed Account Productivity Report (Referrals)
The Reporting page
When you open the Reporting page, you will have access to the 59 reports available in Marketscape CRM. This article provides a brief introduction to the page. Additional information can be found in the Reporting section of the Marketscape CRM Help Center.
Search - If you know the name of the report you want to view, you can type part of the report name into the search to find the report quickly. For the two reports most helpful to you, type in "Referrals" and the two reports are easy to find.
Actions - These three columns are available for each report listed on the page. Favorites - The heart icon in the first column can be toggled on and of to add the selected report to your "Favorite Reports" which is found at the top of the list of reports. CSV and PDF clicking either of these icons will export the data for the selected report to either a .CSV file (for viewing in Excel) or a .PDF file.
Title - the name of the report
Description - more details to help identify the content of the report
Scheduled Report - This identifies whether you have set up the listed report to be sent to you periodically. For more information, see Configuring and Scheduling Reports.
Now let's look at the two reports of interest.
Advanced AE Summary Report (Referrals)
The Advanced AE Summary report provides a snapshot of the number of accounts called upon and referrals received.
In this table we kinda use "Calls" and "Events" interchangeably. In either case, the counts represent events from your calendar.
What to look for!
This section provides an "at-a-glance" comparison of last week with this week.
A Couple notes
Columns 3 and 4 provide a quick confirmation and a baseline.
- Confirmation - Compare "Completed Calls" to "Completed Calls with Notes." If these match, you have done all of your completed calls documentation. Pat yourself on the back. If the "Sales Calls with Notes" column is less than the completed Sales Calls column, then you have identified a gap. Solution: Go back and document your completed calls and make sure to do your call notes going forward.
- Baseline - You can see what you did last week to compare to your counts this week.
- Columns 1 and 2 - You can quickly see the number of visits you have scheduled for the week and how many have been completed with notes.
These three columns focus on one question, "Are you visiting your accounts?"
The "Total number of Accounts" count tells you how many accounts you own. Simple.
The "Accounts with No Completed Events" columns should either be at zero, or there should be a good reason for no completed visits for one or three months. Let' look at the reasons.
- Not your account - You might have an account that is assigned to you and it shouldn't be assigned to you. Talk to your manager. The account either needs to be removed from your list, or you need to get started with the account.
- Not visiting the account - If you are not visiting the account, then it is unlikely that you are creating events for those non-visits, and you certainly aren't completing any events. Talk to your manager.
- Visiting but not creating events - It is possible that you are visiting the account, but not creating events in your calendar for those visits. In order to receive the full benefits of using Marketscape CRM, it is advisable to enter all of your visits as events.
- Visits, yes, events created, yup, but events not being completed - The benefits you receive for keeping up with Marketscape CRM will be maximized by being thorough. It sometimes feels like busy work, but out experience over decades of CRM use is that the time spent is worth it.
In sum, if the 30 and 90 day counts in these columns is anything but zero, you should investigate and probably discuss the missed accounts with your manager.
Footnote: Or, the equally revealing question, "Are you documenting your visits, that is, completing events?" Either way something is being missed here.
- Column 1 - You probably have a good sense of how many referrals you expect to see for last week. If this number is off, some referrals might not be properly assigned. Talk to your manager.
- Columns 2 through 4 - These are the hot metrics of interest in this table. In particular, the number of "Week-to-Date (WTD) pending" (referrals) suggests immediate action to move those referrals from Pending to Admits. See Step 5 - Viewing Referrals.
- Last Four Columns - This section of the table has a number of benchmarks that you will find helpful to compare against current metrics. For example, you can compare your "Admits Last Month" to "Month-to-Date (MTD) Admits."
Specific Metric Details
The following table includes more details on each metric in the report.
Column |
Description |
User | You - your name should appear here. | |
Calls Scheduled Current Week | The number of events on your calendar for the current week. |
Completed Sales Calls with Notes WTD |
The count of completed events from your calendar that have notes week to date.
Completed Sales Calls Last Week |
The count of completed calls from last week. A baseline for tracking your comparative progress this week. | |
Complete Sales Calls with Notes Last Week | The number of completed events from the previous week that include notes. If this number is not the same as the previous number, you need to go add some notes. | |
Total Number of Accounts | The count of your accounts. A good baseline number to have. |
Accounts with no Completed Events 30 Days | This is the count of your accounts that have no completed events for the last 30 days. Ideally, this number should be zero. If there are any accounts with no completed events within the last 30 days, some evaluation should be done. | |
Accounts with no Completed Events 90 Days |
This is the count of your accounts that have no completed events for the last 90 days. Any accounts represented in this number are seriously delinquent. Ideally, this number should be zero. If there are any accounts with no completed events within the last 90 days, some evaluation should be done, and changes need to be made. |
Referrals Last Week |
The number of referrals assigned to you in the previous week.
Admissions Last Week |
The count of your assigned referrals who were admitted in the previous week. |
WTD Pending |
The count of your week-to-date pending referrals.
WTD Admits | The number of week-to-date patients admitted to your agency that were from referrals assigned to you. | |
MTD Admits | The number of month-to-date patients admitted to your agency that were from referrals assigned to you. | |
Admits Last Month | This is the count of your admits from last month as a baseline for comparison | |
Current YTD Admits | The count of year-to-date admits. | |
Prior Year Admits | The count of last year's admits provided for comparison. |
AE Detailed Account Productivity Report (Referrals)
This table shows you three things:
- Account Info - The columns from "Marketer" through "ZIP Code" identify the Account Executive (sales rep) and the account for which the metrics in the row pertain.
- Close Rate - This is the number of sales reps' events connected to the account required to generate a referral. (See calculation below)
- Conversion Ratio - of referrals that become admissions for the sales rep at the account.
What to look for!
There are two metrics that jump off this page. These two metrics provide a concrete number to identify the success of your visits at an account.
Although the images in this article only show three rows, when you run this report, you will see metrics for every account assigned to you.
Close Rate
This metric is a zinger! How many events (visits) did you complete for each referral received. In the example above, we come up with the close rate using the following equation:
When we enter the numbers:
Just to state the obvious
The ideal is to have the smallest number of visits possible per referral. So, how can you use this metric?
Compare accounts - which account requires the most visits per referral? Why? What changes to your approach will generate more referrals? Are there accounts that aren't worth the effort?
- Set goals - Once you get an understanding of the close rate, you can set a visit to referral rate to reach in subsequent months.
Evaluate what you have done (or not done) - If, for a specific month, your close rate is way up, or way down, stop and figure out why. What strategy worked? Was a new contact particularly fruitful?
Conversion Ratio
This metric compares Referrals to Admissions. Although referrals are nice, admissions are the measure of success. Here is how we calculate the ratio:
When we put in the numbers, we get the following:
How to Use this metric
This metric is the opposite of close rate. In the case of conversions, we want the biggest percentage we can. Wouldn't it make your day if 100% of your referrals became admissions?
Compare Accounts - Which accounts align with the highest conversion ratio? Identifying the most productive accounts is always a win, but don't forget to dig in on why referrals convert more from one account to another.
Evaluate - As always, you want to take the time to identify what happened, what you did, who was the obstacle or gatekeeper, what happened to yield a higher conversion ratio? Compare this month with previous months. Set your sights on next month.
- Pending - As you know, when a referral becomes a pending referral, it is time to act. Interventions with your pending referrals is the best way to increase your conversion ratio.
Final thoughts
- Metrics aren't good or bad. They tell you a story about what has happened that allow you to evaluate and plan.
- These reports are prime territory for discussions and planning sessions with your manager.
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