The term "Views" in Marketscape describes the content being shown when a user navigates to the Accounts, Contacts or Referrals page. Views can be modified using different filters to refine the records shown on any given view.
In this article
This article discusses the 4th Step in creating or editing a view in more detail - Advanced Filter Criteria, which is a powerful set of five filters that can be used to refine the records shown in your customized view.
The Advanced Filter Criteria section of the Edit View screen shows 4 columns:
- Field - A Field is a detail from a record, such as Referral Status, Patient Name, Address, Zip Code, etc. Up to five fields can be selected to search through, and the record type (account, contact or referral) determines what data is available in the drop-down menu. As an example, when creating a view for accounts, fields listed in the Account Details screen of any account will populate these drop-down menus.
- Operator - An Operator is a function that associates the Field to the Value. Once a Field has been selected, the Operator drop-down will need to be changed to reflect the criteria the user is looking for. This function works as statements such as: equals, not equal to, contains, is greater than, etc.
- Value - The value is the variable that the user can enter to determine the search, such as a specific zip code, referral status, or account name.
- The last column toggles the AND to OR when clicked, allowing a user to require multiple filters are met, or at least one filter is met.
Using AND/OR filter conjunctions correctly
Combining AND and OR with filters can lead to views with undesired results. In the example below, a user would like to filter for all admits at either the San Jose branch or the Palo Alto branch. This search will not actually provide the desired results. Instead, it will provide results for the admits in San Jose, and referrals of all statuses for Palo Alto.
The actual results will be determined this way:
(Visit Frequency = Weekly; AND (State = PA OR State = NJ))
This will return all entries where visits occur weekly and the account address is in PA or NJ
It is important to think through the logic of how your advanced filters are set up.
Related Articles:
- Marketer Quick Start Guide: Configuring Views [videos]
- Defining Views
- Creating New Views
- Duplicating Views
- Advanced Filter Criteria for Views
- Performing a Search from Views
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