The previous two steps consisted of a deep dive into the current state of your team broadly and for each individual rep. There are a few times when a sales manager would want to follow these steps at the depth described in the previous articles.
- New to Marketscape CRM - if your company is new to Marketscape CRM, each sales manager should perform a detailed evaluation to confirm that the CRM is set up properly, and to get started using MAR CRM to guide your team.
- New Sales Manager - If you are a new sales manager for your company, or if you are taking over a new team. In either case, the deep dive will help you to get that all-important 50,000 foot view of your new territory, the accounts, contacts, and your team. The insights you will glean from the process will prepare to jump in with your new team with concrete performance metrics at your fingertips.
- Damage Control - If you have that uncomfortable sense that everything just isn't aligned, digging in on the details might uncover issues that need to be fixed.
This step is all about best practices that will keep you away from needing to do damage control. Periodic cadences of specific tasks will keep you up to date with the important trends for your team and any performance issues.
Just want to mention - the aforementioned trends and performance evaluation shows both issues to correct and successes. We will show you how to find the good and the bad as you move ahead.
In this article
The tasks we will summarize in this article will be presented according to their alignment with one of three cadences.
- Orientation to the Cadences
Daily tasks
- Yesterday's admissions - Custom Referral View
- Yesterday's non-admissions - Custom Referral View
- Pending referrals - Last 30 Days - Custom Referral View
- Daily Visit report
- Approve Owner Change report
- Complete List of all Referral View Metrics
Weekly tasks
- Event frequency - Advanced AE Summary, Daily visit - last week
- Percent to goal - Admits month to date, Referrals view (create)
Monthly tasks
- Number of assigned accounts - Advanced AE Summary report (Referrals)
- Number/Percent of A accounts - Detailed AE Account Activity report
- Coaching events - Detailed AE Account Activity report - Referral View Admits MTD
- Close rate - AE Detailed Account Productivity report - Definition: Events to Referrals
- Conversion - Conversion Ratio by time period report (monthly in this case)
- Payer mix - Custom Referrals View
Let's get Oriented
Before you jump into the daily, weekly and monthly best practices, we want to orient your thinking about cadences and let you know what we will provide for each task.
We will provide tasks that require attention on periods of daily, weekly, and monthly. Let's ponder some concepts:
- Shared cadences - Anything that you are going to do daily will become part of weekly and monthly tasks. For example, evaluating the previous day's admissions will be a daily imperative. However, you will also want to look at admissions from a weekly and monthly perspective. The difference will be what you are looking for about admissions for each cadence.
- Broad thinking - In some ways, what this means is that you will want to have all of the cadences in your mind. While you are looking at daily admissions, keep an eye out for blips in the metrics that impact your weekly and monthly perspectives of the data.
- Urgency - Daily thinking tends to be more focused on metrics that indicate something that is urgent. The most obvious example being a spike in pending referrals that suggests immediate action. In short, your daily cadence items are all about finding metrics that demand same-day response. When you work on monthly tasks, you are looking for long range trends more tied to planning that action.
- Balance - The urgency of looking for daily metrics that require immediate action steps can easily dominate your use of Marketscape CRM. It is important to remember that long term success requires constant evaluation of the big picture trends that the metrics also show you.
Outcomes - Whenever you look at metrics, you are looking for some of the same things:
- Required actions - Some metrics will encourage immediate action. Your daily tasks will tend to lean this way. Talking points for meeting with your reps will spring from the metrics.
- Evaluate meaning and performance - once the metrics reveal the "current state," you will want to figure out, for example, why admits are trending up or down.
- Formulate a plan - Once you have evaluated the cause of trends in the metrics, you will need to incorporate changes for improvement, or, to perpetuate successful initiatives.
Coaching your team - Part of the plan is that you want to teach your sales reps to be focused on these important cadences so the whole team is working the urgent daily needs in the context of understanding the big picture.
Daily tasks
As mentioned above, the metrics you are going to look at daily are the ones that will generate some of the most urgent activity in response. It makes sense to dig in on this content early each day to provide time for a same-day response.
There are four daily tasks:
- Look at metrics in three Referral page custom Views
- 1 - Yesterday's Admissions
- 2 - Yesterday's Non-Admissions
- 3 - Pending Referrals last 30 days
- 4 - Your reps completed events in the Daily Visit report
Create the Custom Views
You will need to create three custom Views before you will be able to do each daily task. The names of each view is a link to instructions on how to create the needed view.
When you have those views ready, you can continue with each below.
Yesterday's Admissions
Once you have created the necessary view, you can open it on the Referrals page by selecting your report by name in the "Showing View" dropdown. In this example, you can see that our View is called Yesterdays Admits.
What to look for - what to do
Compare the SOC Date to the Date Entered (the referral date). Was the admission timely? If not, you will want to figure out why.
New Referring source? - Look at the "Referring Facility" and the "Referring Person". If this is a new source, you will want to celebrate the win. You can also evaluate: what brought in the new referral? How can your team follow up the success?
Referral Owner - Check the last column in each row to make sure that there is an owner for each referral. If there is not an owner, you can click on the "Edit" link in the Actions column and assign the referral to a rep. This could also include assigning the referral to your house account.
Looking for a referral owner will always be an important action at any time when you are looking at referrals.
Yesterday's Non-Admissions
Once you have created the necessary report, you can open it on the Referrals page by selecting your report by name in the "Showing View" dropdown. In this example, you can see that our View is called Yesterdays Non-Admits.
What to look for - what to do
There are many reasons why a referral does not become an admission. You will be looking primarily at the "Non-Admit Reason" column. What you are looking for is trends:
- Accounts that consistently don't convert.
- Reps who have many non-admits, especially if the non-admit reason identifies a specific failure
- Repeated non-admit reasons across multiple accounts
For example: If the non-admit reason is "Patient chose a competitor," you will want to talk to your rep to evaluate your messaging. Are you communicating your competitive advantage? It is possible that you need to re-strategize your approach for your team.
Since you will be looking at this view every day, you will want to keep track of trends from day to day.
Pending Referrals - Last 30 Days
Once you have created the necessary report, you can open it on the Referrals page by selecting your report by name in the "Showing View" dropdown. In this example, you can see that our View is called Pending Refs – Last 30 Days.
Since we have set up the table to sort by the "Date Entered" column, the oldest pending referrals are at the top of the table. The report in the image was run late in September. Referrals from the end of August that are still in "Pending" status are far overdue. Make a list of long overdue referrals and speak to the appropriate rep.
Of course, we are confident you noticed. Since you are keeping up with this report daily, we would never see a referral sitting around for a month anyway.
Daily Visit Report
For the most part, you are looking at this report to confirm that your reps are following ACE and completing their visits, and using ARC in completing their notes. (Last two columns)
As you can see from the above excerpt from the demo account's Daily Visit Report, our demo reps are flagrantly leaving tasks undone and Call/Visit notes are blank. All of their "Completed" tasks are not completed (last column), and their Call/Visit Notes are blank!
For your reps you want to look for tasks not completed and notes not written so that you can talk with them and encourage them to comply with CRM best practice for documenting their visits.
It is also helpful to peruse the Contact Frequency and Visit Type columns to make sure they have been maintained/updated to match recent goals and initiatives.
And, of course, if you see that everyone is doing a great job completing events and documenting, order in lunch and celebrate!
Approve ownership requests
In order to keep things moving, it is important to approve any requests for ownership for accounts, contacts, and referrals. This is done by using three custom reports based on the standard report - "Approve Owner Change." We will show you how to Create Custom Ownership Approval Reports below
Using your Custom Reports
Once you have created and scheduled the three custom reports,
- You will receive the reports in your email daily, so you won't even need to run the reports.
- But if you want to run the reports...
You will see the three reports on the Reporting page in the section, "My Saved Reports."
Click on a report name. This will open the report.
For this example, we will only show the "Approve Owner Change - Accounts" report. All three reports look essentially the same, and work the same. See image and instructions, next.
Although this example only shows one row, you can choose as many rows as you want to complete the actions described.
- Click on the box to the left of any entry to select it
- Click on the "Bulk Actions" dropdown to either approve the selected request or to deny it.
- Click on the "Go" button to complete the action.
Repeat the process for all three reports.
If you are done with the daily tasks, you can now click to go to Weekly Tasks.
Creating a view for Yesterday's Admissions
Start by clicking on the "Referrals" button in the left navigation. | |
Near the top, the current "Showing View" should be "All Referrals. | ![]() |
Click on the link to "Create New View." |
The following page will appear (in right column), although we have filled out fields that will be empty when you first open the page.
We will show all of these steps again below, but please notice that the only difference between this view and the other ones you will need to create is the Advance Filter Criteria, and/or the date range.
For LOTS more information on making and copying views, see our section on Views.
Back to Daily Tasks - View Yesterday's Admits
Creating a View for Yesterday's Non Admissions
Start by clicking on the "Referrals" button in the left navigation. | |
Near the top, the current "Showing View" should be "All Referrals. | ![]() |
Click on the link to "Create New View." |
The following page will appear (in right column), although we have filled out fields that will be empty when you first open the page.
We will show all of these steps again for the next view, but please notice that the only difference between this view and the next one you will need to create is the Advance Filter Criteria, and the date range.
For LOTS more information on making and copying views, see our section on Views.
Back to Daily Tasks - View Yesterday's Non-Admits
Creating a View for Pending Referrals - Last 30 Days
Start by clicking on the "Referrals" button in the left navigation. | |
Near the top, the current "Showing View" should be "All Referrals. | ![]() |
Click on the link to "Create New View." |
The following page will appear (in right column), although we have filled out fields that will be empty when you first open the page.
For LOTS more information on making and copying views, see our section on Views.
Back to Daily Tasks - View Pending Referrals - Last 30 Days
Create Custom Ownership Approval Reports
To create the three reports you need, you will need to go through this process three times with one minor change each time, shown below.
Since you are creating custom reports, you will begin by clicking on the "Reporting" button in the left navigation. | |
Scroll down until you see the "Approve Owner Change" report in the Owner Change section. Click on the report name. |
The page in the following image will appear.
Create Report
Notice the open dropdown that shows Accounts, Contacts, and Referrals. You will need to select each of these once for the three reports you will create. For this example, we will choose "Accounts." Use the defaults for all other fields in this report.
Once you have selected "Accounts" in the Objects dropdown, click the "Save As" button at the top.
The following form will appear:
- Notice that we added "Accounts" to the report name. Since you will be creating a report for accounts, contacts, and referrals, this will help you to identify the report in your custom reports list.
- The filters you used for the report are displayed.
- Click the "Save" button when you are done.
When you save this report, it will appear on the Reporting page in the section, "My Saved Reports."
Scheduling your custom report
Once you have saved your custom report, you will want to schedule it. You will see the following if you have just saved the report, or if you click on the name of the report on the Reporting page.
Click on the "Schedule" button to schedule the report. You will see the following window:
- Start Date - This field will default to tomorrow. You can pick any future date you want.
- Time Interval - Since you want to see this report daily, choose daily. There are other options, click the dropdown to see what is available.
- File Format - You can have the report sent to you as an Adobe .PDF file or as an Excel .CSV file.
- Distribution List - the user requesting the scheduled report will always be included. You can add additional email addresses if you want to.
- Message to include - You can add a message to the email.
- Only send email when... - it is important to set this option to "Enabled." If there are no pending requests for approval, you don't need the clutter in your email inbox nor in your life.
- Status - If you want to not receive this report, you can set it to inactive rather than deleting it.
- Click Save when you are finished with the settings.
If you have been following this process, you have now completed setting up and scheduling your report - Approve Owner Change - Accounts. You now need to repeat the process to create the Approve Owner Changes for contacts and referrals.
Before you move to create the next report, we remind you that you need to follow all the steps - click on the "Reporting" button in the left navigation > find the "Approve Owner Change" report > then click the "Save As" button. (Don't try to edit your previous custom report, it will overwrite your previous report.)
Once you have created all three custom reports - return to Using your Custom Reports
Complete List of Metrics from a Referrals report
If you set up your custom views with all metrics available, you will see all of the metrics in your View that are described below.
Field name |
Description |
ID | A unique id number for the listed referral. This number can be generated many places. |
Primary Physician | In a standard integration, this is the attending/primary care physician. |
Date Entered | The date that the referral was sent to your company. (Normally based on your EHR.) |
Referring Facility | The name of the referring facility |
Notes | Depending on your EHR, intake notes may populate in this field. |
Referral Status Could be admit, non-admit, or pending. We do not identify discharge as a status. |
This is the current status of the listed referral. In the case of the views used in daily tasks, the status for all entries in each report will be the same and will match the report you are viewing. That is, if you are looking at the "Yesterday's Admits" view you created, all you will see in this field is "Admit." |
Referring Person |
The referring physician as entered in your EHR. |
Insurance Type | Categorizes the insurance plan of the patient into a group. |
Patient Name | The patient's name (Our demo includes made up names - no actual patient names will appear anywhere in our Help Centers. You will, of course, see the names of the patients you are treating.) |
SOC Date | This is the date of the start of care for the patient. |
Non-Admit Date | The date the referral was identified as a non-admit (NTUC) |
Verified | To identify that the patient's insurance has been approved. (Not used in a standard EHR integration.) |
Non-Admit Reason | On the referral page there is a dropdown with a couple dozen summary reasons why the patient wasn't admitted. |
Non-Admit Reason Details | This field can be filled out with additional details at the time non-admission is confirmed. |
Last Modified On | Date the listed record was last modified |
Last Modified By | The user who last modified the listed record |
Business Line | Line of business to which the patient was referred. |
Sales Territory | Your company's region in which the agency resides that admitted the referrals. |
Discharge Date | The date that the patient was discharged. |
Discharge Reason | The reason the patient was discharged |
Order Status | Identifies the status of the order approval - signatures needed or completed. |
LOS | This is the length of stay in days which is either calculated from SOC to D/C, or from SOC to today's date. |
Patient | For the demo account displayed in this article this is a custom field. |
Referral Owner | The rep to whom the referral is assigned. |
Weekly Tasks
Event Frequency
To review your reps' events for the weekly cadence, you can look at three reports:
- Advanced AE Summary Report (Referrals)
- Detailed AE Account Activity
- Daily Visit Report (with "Last Week" date range)
We have examined all of the reports required for this weekly task above in the Daily Tasks section. The difference in a weekly cadence is that you will want to examine the metrics from the more broad perspective of a week. For example, when looking at these tables from the perspective of a daily cadence the goal is to focus on what needs to be done today. The weekly perspective is focused more on whether your reps are performing well against established goals for the week.
You will want to compare the performance you see in the tables against your goals for each rep and follow up as needed.
Advanced AE Summary Report (Referrals)
We examined this report in Step 2. See Using the Advanced AE Summary Report. (This link will open in another tab so you can easily find your way back here.)
Detailed AE Account Activity
We examined this report in Step 3. See Navigate to the Report. (This link will open in another tab so you can easily find your way back here.)
Daily Visit Report (with "Last Week" date range)
To set up this report:
- Click on the "Reporting" button in the left Navigation.
- Scroll down until you see the report, "Daily Visit report"
- Click the name of the report - that will open up the following page.
- Set the "Date Range" setting to "Last Week."
- This report is easy enough to set up, but if you want to save this report, click the "Save As..." button
- If you save this report, it will show up in the section, "My Saved Reports" on the Reporting page.
- Click on the "Run Report" button at the bottom of the report.
The report will show you a list of all visits for your reps for last week - both completed and not completed.
Percent Referrals to Goal
To evaluate whether your team is on track with your goals, you will need to create a Referral View.
- Click on the "Referrals" button in the left navigation.
- When the Referrals page opens, click on the "Create New View" link.
The page on the right will open. Descriptions of the recommended settings are on the left.
The report looks like this:
You might want to use the filters at the top to either select a single rep to focus on or to sort by a specific column. You will see the counts of referrals, admits, pending referrals, and non-admits at the bottom. As you view this table for each rep, or for all reps, you can compare these numbers to your known goals for each rep, or your team.
A complete description of the metrics in the Referrals page table can be found above.
Monthly Tasks
Number of Assigned Accounts
You can find the number of assigned accounts for your reps in the Advanced AE Summary Report.
Advanced AE Summary Report (Referrals)
We examined this report in Step 2. See Using the Advanced AE Summary Report. (This link will open in another tab so you can easily find your way back here.)
What to look for
For each rep, you are going to want to evaluate the number of accounts they have assigned to them. We recommend about 50 accounts per rep. For more details, click the "Using the Advanced Summary Report" link above and review the section "What to Look for."
Number/Percent of A Accounts
To evaluate the percentage of A Accounts for each of your reps, you will use the Detailed AE Summary Report.
We examined this report in Step 3. See Navigate to the Detailed AE Account Activity Report. (This link will open in another tab so you can easily find your way back here.)
What to look for - what to do
You are looking to get an idea of the percentage of accounts with an A rating.
Remember - You and your team set the rating for each account based on an evaluation of the productivity of an account for the effort required. In short, A accounts are the ones that generate the most referrals for the effort, and therefore, you want to put your focus on A accounts. On the other hand, if an account is currently ranked B, or C, your rep might want to push harder to move a B or C account up to an A.
You are looking for the number/percentage of A accounts per rep. Then you will want to confer with the rep to answer 2 questions:
- Are you working the right number of A accounts?
- If not, which accounts are we going to work to move the account's rating up?
Using the instructions in the above link to the "Detailed AE Account Activity Report" you will want to do the following:
- Marketer/User - Choose a specific rep (You will need to run this report for each rep in order to tailor your follow up for each.)
- Account Rating - First pass - select the A rating
- Click the "Run Report" button - Take note of the number of accounts with an A rating for the rep
- Account Rating - Second pass - change the setting to "Any"
- Click the "Run Report" button - Take note of the total number of accounts for the rep
At this point, you want to compare the number of A accounts to the number of all accounts. Calculate a percentage if that helps.
Discuss with your rep any changes needed.
It also makes sense when you look at this table to confirm that all of each rep's accounts have ratings.
Coaching Events
For this monthly task you will use two sources - The Detailed AE Summary Reports and a custom Referrals View (Described below)
By using these two reports you want to perform an evaluation of your reps' performance for the purpose of leading them in meaningful conversations about ways to improve. In short, you are looking for all of the same metrics for evaluation that you used in your daily tasks. Compare Referrals to Admits, confirm that visits are completed and documented. Evaluate event frequency, month-to-date and year-to-date performance, etc.
Detailed AE Summary
We examined this report in Step 3. See Navigate to the Detailed AE Account Activity Report. (This link will open in another tab so you can easily find your way back here.)
Create a Referral View - Admits MTD
- Click on the "Referrals" button in the left navigation.
- When the Referrals page opens, click on the "Create New View" link.
The page on the right will open. Descriptions of the recommended settings are on the left.
The report looks like this:
You might want to use the filters at the top to either select a single rep to look into or to sort by a specific column.
A complete description of the metrics in the Referrals page table can be found above.
Keep this report open - What you need for evaluating Payer Mix is at the bottom of this table.
Close Rate
In Marketscape CRM, close rate is the percentage of events that yield a referral. The ideal close rate would show that for each visit made, your agency received at least one referral and more than one referral would be better. So, we need to compare counts of events to counts of referrals for a specific period of time. To do this, we will look at the AE Detailed Account Productivity Report.
- Click on the "Reporting" button in the left navigation.
- Scroll down until you find the AE Detailed Account Productivity Report - click on the report name to open the report
- Marketer - Select one of your reps to evaluate
- Date Range - First pass - Choose "Last Month"
- Click the "Run Report" button
- The report will show you all accounts for the selected rep.
- Column - Close Rate - This is completed events divided by the number of referrals.
Remember that you are looking at the close rate for last month
- Second Pass - Change the Date Range to "Month to Date."
- Click the "Run Report" button.
Compare the month to date close rate to the previous month. Discuss your findings with your rep.
Conversion Rate
In Marketscape CRM, a conversion rate is the percentage of referrals that become admits over a selected period of time. We will need to find the count of referrals and the count of admits, month-to-date, to find this percentage. This is done by using the report, Conversion Ratio: by Time period on the Reporting page.
- Click on the "Reporting" button in the left navigation.
- Scroll down to find the report: Conversion Ratio: by Time period
- Click on the report name to open the report
- Fill out the fields as shown
- Click on the "Run Report" button
What to look for - what to do
Once the report is in front of you, it is easy to compare last month to the current month. You are looking for trends to identify areas of success or places to increase your efforts.
Payer Mix
To find the payer mix for all referrals coming in to your agency, open the Referrals page and select "Referral View - Admits MTD" that you created for Coaching Events above. At the bottom of this table you will find the payer mix for the listed referrals.
Notice that this view only includes referrals that became admits. That is the settings we chose for this view. (And you will also notice the counts of referrals listed to the left Admits: 596, Pending: 0, and Non-Admits: 0.)
What to look for - what to do
We suggest that you look at this distribution for awareness.
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