Once you have logged in, you need to home in on your team's book of business, that is, your reps' accounts, contacts, calendar of events, and referrals. In sum, you will be evaluating your team's collective book of business to make sure all of the pieces are set up, that your team is aligned with industry best practices, and also, you will fix anything missing or incorrect. This step is broad, focusing on the major indicators for your team. In Step 3 you will focus in greater detail on each rep.
This article is organized around two major sections. The first is an orientation to some critical CRM concepts and features specific to Marketscape CRM. Even if you are familiar with CRMs in general, we encourage you to look through this content to make sure that you are aligned with the concepts and features as they appear in Marketscape CRM
The second section is the actual "how-to" steps of analyzing your team's book of business using the Advanced AE Summary Report.
If you want to skip directly to the How to Steps - Analyzing your Team's BoB
In this article
The following outline contains links to the content listed.
Critical CRM Concepts
Webs and Gems - Thinking about CRMs
There is an important mindset that will help you to work in a CRM and a couple of images might help to capture that mindset.
- A Web - The different types of records stored in the CRM database are interconnected. What this means practically is that there are dependencies between the pieces. Your accounts are only useful if they are connected to the correct sales territory. Contacts must be assigned to accounts properly. Events can't be scheduled if contacts are not set up. For the web of connections to work, everything must be in place and properly connected. If not, the web doesn't hold. The most critical example of this is that referrals can't be assigned to the correct sales rep if all the pieces aren't connected properly. This means that you (and your team) need to be on a constant lookout for missing pieces (accounts, contacts, referral, etc.) and missing connections (e.g. assignment of accounts).
- A Gem - The data in a CRM can be viewed through, let's call it, different facets. In other words, you can look at "what is going on" different ways. Examples: Looking at a report might give you a broad perspective of all of your reps' accounts, and you can drill down for more detail. Or perhaps you start by looking at a specific account where you can see all assigned reps and contacts. Every helpful insight in the CRM can be approached along different paths of inquiry.
Value - Mastering the connections between the records and visualizing the paths through which you can uncover what you are looking for are essential to the effective use of Marketscape CRM. Our job is to show you the connections and best practices. Then with practice, you will learn to find what you want and intuitively identify the important metrics and gaps.
Knowing what to look for and what to do
Reports tend to contain a LOT of information. It is important to not get bogged down looking at every metric in detail. We will show you, for each metric, what to look for. In some cases, there is a range of acceptable numbers. Other times you will need to identify a metrics that is outside a limit, (too big or too small). It is also possible that some metrics will stand out in comparison to another metric. We will show you what to look for, and then, what to do with what you find.
Best Practice - when we identify limits and requirements for metrics, we are aligning the numbers to industry best practices. For example, if you see a user who has more than 50 accounts assigned to them... Boom! immediate red flag. After evaluating numerous companies and practices, we have discovered that fifty or fewer accounts is the sweet spot for a sales rep.
Reports Overview
As a sales manager, you will often find yourself working in Marketscape CRM on the Reports page. The following image and details are included below to orient you to the basics.
There are currently 36 different reports available for a sales manager on the Reports page - hence "Lots more below" and the arrow.
Navigation - You can navigate to the Reports page from anywhere in Marketscape CRM by clicking on the "Reporting" button in the left navigation.
Search - if you know the name of the report you are looking for, you can type it into the search field.
The page updates as you type. Most of the time, typing a single word in the report name limits the reports shown on the page to find the one you want.
Favorites - any report that you select as a favorite by clicking on the empty heart will add that report to the favorites section at the top of the page. Your heart will be full when you realize you can always find your favorite reports right at the top of the page.
Actions - In addition to the heart that toggles a report in or out of the "Favorites" section of the Reports page, you can also export the chosen report as a .CSV file - an Excel file, or a .PDF file.
Report Columns - For each report on the page, we include the title, a summary description of the report, and we identify whether the report is scheduled to be sent to you automatically.
If you want to get some practice with reports, and set up the reports you need in advance, the following image includes the names of the reports that sales managers will use pretty much daily. You can find them on the Reporting page and click the heart to favorite them, then you won't need to search for them as you continue through the quick start steps.
Basic Setup
Before we jump into the report that is the centerpiece of this article, it is important to pay attention for three gaps in the data.
- Identify/confirm your team members - Make sure that you see all your reps included in the report. If someone is missing, you will need to get help from an account administrator to make sure that each of your reps is set up and set up properly.
- Identify/confirm accounts - This is, of course, a bit more tricky since you are potentially responsible, through your reps, for a large number of accounts. In addition to perusing through accounts on your own, it will probably be helpful, early on, to meet with each of your reps to talk through accounts. Your Marketscape CRM permissions should allow you to set up any missing accounts. If not, speak with an account administrator for permission or assistance.
- Identify/confirm referrals - missing referrals is a critical gap. You will need to go to an administrator if you find that one of your reps is showing that they have no referrals.
Using the Advanced AE Summary Report
Report Overview
- Click on the "Reporting" button in the left navigation
- Search for "Advanced" - the Advanced AE Summary Report will be visible in a table below.
- Click on the heart to the left of the report to make this report a favorite.
- Click on the report name to run the report
Advanced AE Summary Report
Report Overview
In sum, the Advanced AE Summary report provides a snapshot of the number of accounts called upon and referrals received.
In this table we kinda use "Calls" and "Events" interchangeably. In either case, the counts represent events from your calendar.
Let's get Oriented
As with most Trella Health tables, it often helps to view the columns in groups under a descriptive header. This table has three sections of content:
- Events - counts of scheduled and completed calls for this week and the previous week.
- Accounts - count of all accounts and counts of accounts that have no completed events for 30 and 90 days
- Outcomes - counts of referrals for the most recent week, month and year with comparison counts for previous periods
Each of these sections will be described next.
This section provides two "at-a-glance" comparisons: last week versus this week, and completed calls versus completed calls with notes.
A Couple notes
Columns 3 and 4 provide a quick confirmation and a baseline.
- Confirmation - Compare "Completed Calls" to "Completed Calls with Notes." If these match, the selected rep has done all required completed calls documentation. If the "Sales Calls with Notes" column is less than the completed Sales Calls column, then you have identified a gap. Solution: Speak with the rep to encourage faithful completion of call notes.
- Baseline - You can see what the did last week to compare to counts this week.
- Columns 1 and 2 - You can quickly see the number of visits the rep has scheduled for the week and how many have been completed with notes.
- when comparing these metrics you should look for trends or gaps that require follow up with your rep.
What to Look for
Number of Events
Trella Health suggests that a typical sales rep should plan for, schedule, and complete 50 visits in a week. This is a baseline number that should be used for comparison and evaluation. There are many factors that could potentially influence the actual number of visits a rep can complete in a week:
- Rural v Urban - Much of a rep's time is spent getting from place to place. A higher number of rural accounts might require increased travel time. (Or maybe urban accounts force a rep to spend more time in traffic...)
- Account size - A whopping big hospital where a rep can visit more contacts in a day allows for more events in a week.
- Current education needs - Some weeks a rep may be bogged down with higher needs from a specific account. This increased demand is obviously favorable if the rep is able to engage and assist where needed.
- Hospital v Physician office - The amount of time required be an account will vary depending on the type of account. A hospital will provide access to more contacts which could diminish the time required between visits. However, hospitals also mean more patients who require time and attention.
- Holidays/vacations, events, etc. - Pay attention to the calendar when you evaluate the number of visits in a week.
Compare the count of completed events (calls) to the count of completed events with notes. The action step here is simple. If a rep is not completing notes for all events, they need to be encouraged to comply with proper CRM use.
These three columns focus on one question, "Is your rep visiting their assigned accounts?"
The "Total number of Accounts" count tells you how many accounts the selected rep owns. Simple.
The "Accounts with No Completed Events" columns should either be at zero, or there should be a good reason for no completed visits for one or three months. Let's look at the reasons.
- Not the rep's account - Your rep might have an account that is assigned and it shouldn't be assigned to them. The account either needs to be removed from the rep's list, or you need work with the rep to get them started visiting the assigned account.
- Not visiting the account - If the rep is not visiting the account, then it is unlikely that they are creating events for the account or completing them. If the rep is assigned the account but not completing visits, a discussion to clarify expectations makes sense.
- Visiting but not creating events - It is possible that your rep visiting the account, but not creating events in their calendar for those visits. In order to receive the full benefits of using Marketscape CRM, it is advisable that your reps keep their calendars current.
- Visits, yes, events created, yup, but events not being completed - If your reps are creating events but then not completing them, they need to be reminded of the benefits of keeping up with their documentation.
In sum, if the 30 and 90 day counts in these columns is anything but zero, you should investigate and probably discuss the missed accounts with your rep.
Footnote: Or, the equally revealing question, "Is your rep documenting their visits, that is, completing events?" Either way something is being missed here.
What to Look for
After years of analysis, Trella's consultants have come to the conclusion that a rep should be assigned 50 accounts. There are a number of factors that may require an adjustment up or down:
- Location - Much of a rep's time is spent getting from place to place. A higher number of rural accounts might require increased travel time which will limit the number of accounts that can be serviced by a single individual. (Or maybe urban accounts force a rep to spend more time in traffic...)
- Account size - A large hospital will require more time and effort than a physician's office. More contacts, more patients, more time required, (and more referrals).
- Current education needs - some accounts and contacts require more of your rep's time. That will force a change in the number of accounts that can be managed by your rep.
- Account type - Just as the size of the account may demand more time, the type of account may make a difference.
After making a careful evaluation of the rep's account, you may want to assign more or fewer accounts.
Outcomes (Referrals)
- Column 1 - This is the number of referrals attached to your rep. Since this is the bottom line, you will want to compare this count with goals and expectations. Draw your conclusions and talk with your rep.
- Columns 2 through 4 - These are the hot metrics of interest in this table. In particular, the number of "Week-to-Date (WTD) pending" (referrals) suggests immediate action to move those referrals from Pending to Admits.
- Last Four Columns - This section of the table has a number of benchmarks that you will find helpful to compare against current metrics. For example, you can compare your rep's "Admits Last Month" to "Month-to-Date (MTD) Admits" to identify any trends.
What to Look for
- Compare the number of referrals to goals you have set. Identify areas of success or deficiency.
- Identify trends. If you see numbers going up or down, the next step is to figure out why referrals are trending as the metrics show.
- Pending referrals indicate a need for immediate action - confirm that your rep is working the pending referral and see if they need any assistance.
Specific Metric Details
The following table includes more details on each metric in the report.
Column |
Description |
User | You - your name should appear here. | |
Calls Scheduled Current Week | The number of events on your calendar for the current week. |
Completed Sales Calls with Notes WTD |
The count of completed events from your calendar that have notes week to date. Since you don't want to ever complete an event without adding notes, the number in this column should be the same as the number of events completed so far this week. |
Completed Sales Calls Last Week |
The count of completed calls from last week. A baseline for tracking your comparative progress this week. | |
Complete Sales Calls with Notes Last Week | The number of completed events from the previous week that include notes. If this number is not the same as the previous number, you need to go add some notes. | |
Total Number of Accounts | The count of your accounts. A good baseline number to have. |
Accounts with no Completed Events 30 Days | This is the count of your accounts that have no completed events for the last 30 days. Ideally, this number should be zero. If there are any accounts with no completed events within the last 30 days, some evaluation should be done. | |
Accounts with no Completed Events 90 Days |
This is the count of your accounts that have no completed events for the last 90 days. Any accounts represented in this number are seriously delinquent. Ideally, this number should be zero. If there are any accounts with no completed events within the last 90 days, some evaluation should be done, and changes need to be made. |
Referrals Last Week |
The number of referrals assigned to you in the previous week. If this number seems incorrect, it is possible that referral assignments needs to be confirmed. Talk to your manager, who can run a report on unassigned referrals. |
Admissions Last Week |
The count of your assigned referrals who were admitted in the previous week. |
WTD Pending |
The count of your week-to-date pending referrals. In many cases, pending referrals represent an immediate action opportunity. Step 5 - Viewing Referrals provides instructions to assess pending referrals quickly. |
WTD Admits | The number of week-to-date patients admitted to your agency that were from referrals assigned to you. | |
MTD Admits | The number of month-to-date patients admitted to your agency that were from referrals assigned to you. | |
Admits Last Month | This is the count of your admits from last month as a baseline for comparison | |
Current YTD Admits | The count of year-to-date admits. | |
Prior Year Admits | The count of last year's admits provided for comparison. |
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