In step two, you reviewed the overall performance of your team using the Advanced AE Summary report.
In this step, you will focus on each of your sales reps individually using the Detailed AE Account Activity report.
Using this report, you will evaluate accounts, events - visit frequency, ratings, and referrals for each of your sales reps. As you dig in on each of these, you will need to create a list of discussion points for each rep.
Throughout this article, we will use metrics from the report on our demo account sales rep, Chuck. Don't be surprised when we mention him by name.
In this article
- Navigate to the Detailed AE Account Activity report
- Report Summary
- What to look for and follow up
- Complete Metric list
Navigate to the Detailed AE Account Activity Report
Click on the "Reporting" button in the left navigation, then select the Advanced AE Summary Report. The report is shown in the following image.
You gain access to the Detailed AE Account Activity report by drilling down (clicking) on one of the three accounts related numbers in the table. (Identified by the box, above.)
If you think about what happens here for a moment, it makes sense. We are looking at account related metrics in a "summary" table, we click on a number and go to a "detailed" report. Hmmm.
Report Summary
When you drill down on an account metric, the Detailed AE Account Activity Report (Referrals) will open.
In this section we will summarize the content. The complete metric details are at the bottom of the page.
Report actions - The five buttons at the top allow you to perform general actions related to the report.
- Back - will take you to the previous report
- Save As... - Allows you to save the report under another name with any of the filter settings you choose
- Export CSV - will export the table on the page as an Excel spreadsheet
- Export PDF - this exports the table on the page as a PDF file
- Print - will print the table
If you do save the report under a different name, you might want to include the sales rep's name in the title to differentiate the report. If you save a report, the "Saves As..." button becomes an "Edit" button so you can edit your saved report. This report will then show up on your Reporting page in the "My Saved Reports" section.
If you save at least one version of this report for each of your sales reps, you will no longer need to drill down on the Summary report to get to this page.
Filters - Most reps will have a lot of accounts and this table will contain a lot. By using the filters, you can focus on a rep's accounts filtered by different criteria:
Using different combinations of the options in the different dropdowns, you can focus the results on the table in many ways. Detailed descriptions of each filter are included in the complete metric details at the bottom of the page.
Notice that we have filtered to limit the date displayed to our sales rep, Chuck.
Table Content - each entry in the table includes metrics about the listed account. There are three sections of metrics: (which will be detailed by section below)
We have isolated a single row in the above image which reflects a single account. In contrast, when you run the Detailed AE Account Activity report, you will see many rows representing many accounts. Your task is not to try to master every detail, but to scan each account quickly to pick up nuggets that you can use to work with your sales rep. Look for areas of concern and for areas of success. Jot down a sufficient number of talking points to satisfy the period of time between your coaching sessions.
Since people tend to be creatures of habit, you might notice columns that are consistently empty, or rows missing a lot of entries. These indicate areas for particular attention. For example, it is possible your rep doesn't know how to set ratings, or where to set them.
For each listed account there are a few options:
Bulk Actions
- Top Checkbox - if you click the checkbox to the left of "Actions" you will select every account currently visible on the page
- Row Checkbox - Clicking the checkbox in the same row as any number of accounts selects those accounts.
Once you have selected one or more accounts, you can use the "Bulk Actions" dropdown at the bottom of the page to make the listed changes:
- View Account - Clicking this link will open the Account Details page for the listed account.
- New Event - Clicking this link will open the New Event page for the listed account.
Clicking on these links will navigate you away from the report you are viewing. We suggest that you right-click the link and open the link in a new tab. (ctrl-click in a Mac)
Account Details
The metrics in this section of the table are related to the facility (account) listed in the first column. Many of the metrics are merely address information and require no evaluation. The rest of the metrics are helpful to develop a general perspective on how the account is being handled by your sales rep. As always, you are looking for issues that require conversation with your rep:
- Does what you see make sense? Are the number of contacts appropriate for the size of the account?
- Does the visit frequency make sense for the number of contacts?
- Are all of the fields populated? (indicating that the sales rep is keeping the account current.)
What to look for - what to do
- Number of Associated Contacts - This is the count of all contacts for the listed account, not just contacts for the selected sales rep. As such, the number of contacts provides a broad view of the potential effort required to maintain the account.
Shared Owners - The name or names of the sales rep or sales reps assigned to the account. If there is only one rep assigned, this does mean that the count of contacts can be aligned to the one rep.
- Based on the number of contacts, are enough reps assigned to the account?
- You will now know who to speak to about the account.
- Rating - Confirm that there is a rating assigned. If not, confer with the rep to make sure this is done. (See note) The rating is a level of priority for the listed account and should be used as part of your overall planning with your rep to make sure the best accounts get sufficient attention.
For more information see, Qualifying a Book of Business through Ratings Scales
- Primary Referring person - Confirm that this field is populated - if not, confer with your sales rep.
- Notes - This is populated from the note from the last documented visit by an assigned rep. As always, you need to confirm that this content is maintained, useful, and up to date.
- Visit Frequency - This is set by your rep. On the one hand, as you (together) evaluate the account, you will want to make sure this frequency meets the need. On the other, you will need to check this against the last visit in the "Events" section of this table to make sure call notes are being maintained in line with the selected frequency.
The content in this section of the table is about the most recent completed event for the listed account.
What to look for - What to do
As always, a quick glance at the complete table overall will show areas of concern - for example, columns that are empty for account after account. For a specific rep, here are some specifics:
- Last Completed Event - In the last section, the visit frequency for the listed account was specified. You will want to confirm that the most recent competed event falls within the planned period. If not, this is an issue to check with your rep.
- Event Type - For the most part, the specific event type isn't as important as whether the visit took place and was well documented. However, different account, different contacts, different needs, these all imply that a single rep should not have the same event type for every event. Well planned and well-documented visits will reflect the broad spectrum of meeting types.
Subject - This content is taken directly from the scheduled event.
- This field can only be empty if there have never been scheduled events for the account in the CRM. If this field is empty, visits aren't happening, or the rep isn't using the CRM to schedule and document their visits. You had better talk to the rep to find out what is, or isn't, going on.
It is critical that your company has a useful standard for filling out this field when an event is created. Imagine if your reps all fill in this field with, "Meet with Contact." Trella Health suggests a format that includes the account name, the visit frequency, a specific contact and a brief hint at the intended action of the visit.
- Contacts - This field will include the names of all people included in the event when it is scheduled.
Call/Visit Notes - An event is really only considered "complete" if it is completed with call notes. At this point in your evaluation, you just want to confirm that call notes are being added to completed events. Obviously, if notes are missing, confer with your sales rep.
For more information on creating excellent call notes, see Creating Meaningful Notes.
This section of the table provides counts of referrals and admits for comparison. It allows you to look for trends to see if the sales rep is headed towards meeting goals. The most important insight is that you can use the metrics to calculate a conversion rate of referrals into admits.
What to look for - what to do
Rather than looking at each column, let's look at what you see from comparing some columns.
Admits - Last year and year to date - columns one and three
- In the case of the sales rep in our example, we can't show a meaningful comparison. Last year Chuck only had two admits - likely it was a new account. At face value, the 42 admits so far this year looks downright heroic in comparison.
- So far - Imagine that Chuck had 175 admits last year from this account, and that his year-to-date count for this year is 42. Then we need to do some pondering. If today is March 3 (that is, a couple months into the year), then Chuck is on track for a great year. If today is September 14, then something is not working right.
- Planning/Rating/Goals - At the beginning of the year and periodically up to today, you have been evaluating and adjusting goals for this account (and all accounts). If the expectation for admits from this account has been de-prioritized, it is possible that 42 admits year-to-date is spot on for Chuck when compared to last year.
- In other words, there are a lot of factors to be considered. The bottom line is that if Chuck is excelling, it's time to provide some encouragement, if not, talk to Chuck to see what is going on with his account.
Referrals vs. Admits - comparing columns 2 with 3 and 4 with 5
You've got two comparisons to make:
Referrals | Admits | Percentage![]() |
Compare Year-to-date (long term) |
119 | to |
42 |
35% |
Compare last 30 days (Short term) |
11 | to | 4 | 36% |
Referrals only become wins when they become admissions. The percentage is the rate at which referrals are converted to admissions.
- The goal is, of course, to have a 100% conversion rate, so higher percentages are indicative of greater success.
- Most likely, you already have an expectation for the conversion rate for referrals. You can compare your plans to the actual conversion rate for this account.
Compare the conversion rates
- You can compare the short term conversion rate with the long term conversion rate for the same account. In general you hope that the short term rate is higher than the long term rate, which hints at improvement. There are a lot of factors to consider that might impact a conversion rate, so differences might suggest the need for more analysis.
- You can compare conversion rates between rows to see conversion rates for different accounts.
- Action step - If conversion rates are low for the listed account, it is time to meet with your rep and evaluate recent visits to identify contacts, strategies, roadblocks and opportunities.
Footnote: yeah, sorry, we don't give you the conversion rate percentage in the table. So you have a couple of options:
Option 1 - keep a calculator nearby and use the following calculation.
Remember to use the counts from the same period.
Option 2 - Estimate as you compare. With practice you will be able to quickly compare numbers to get a close enough idea of the conversion rate.
Remember that you don't need to be super precise. You are looking for a ballpark number quickly.
Complete Metric List
The table below contains details on the content in each column in the table.
Many of the listed metrics can be edited/updated by clicking on the "View Account" link in the first column. This will take you to the Account Details page for the listed account.
Column |
Description |
Actions |
For Details see Actions above. |
Name | The name of the account as it appears in the NPPES registry | |
Targeted | Identifies if the listed account is marked as targeted. The options are Yes and No. | |
Number of Associated Contacts |
This is the count of contacts currently associated to the account. This count is not specific to the AE (sales rep) selected in the filter.
Shared Owners |
This column lists the AEs (sales reps) who have the listed account assigned to them. We use the word shared because more than one sales rep can have the same account assigned to them.
Rating |
Ratings can be A, B, C, D, etc. This is a ranking that your company sets for each account to identify referral potential. Ratings are a "two-way" street. On the one hand, the ranks are assigned based on specific criteria to identify accounts with the best potential. Once ranked, it makes sense to put more effort into accounts that are ranked higher.
Primary Referring Person |
Ummm... this is the name of the person who refers the most patients to you at the listed account.
Notes |
![]() |
Visit Frequency | The period set for the listed account – how often does the rep visit the account | |
Address information | Address details for the listed account. | |
Last Completed Event
This is the date of the last completed visit <by the selected sales rep> for the listed account.
Event Type | Identifies the type of event | |
Subject | From the event, this is the content of the subject field. This field is filled out when the event is created. | |
Contacts | The contact's name (could be multiple contacts) for the listed event. | |
Call/Visit Notes | The call notes entered for the event when the event was completed. | |
Prior Year Total Admits | This column contains the count of admits for the listed account in the previous year period. (The start and end dates for fiscal years can be set by an account administrator in the settings.) | |
All Referrals YTD | The count of referrals for the selected account from the start of the year through today. | |
All Admits YTD | The count of admits for the selected account from the start of the year through today. | |
All Referrals Last 30 Days | The count of referrals for the selected account during the last 30 days. | |
All Admits Last 30 Days | The count of admits for the selected account during the last 30 days. | |
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