Expenses can be entered into Marketscape CRM to track expenditures either 1) by user or 2) by account.
Creating an Expense on Marketscape CRM for Web
There are three ways to start the process of entering an expense
From the Dashboard The fastest way to create an expense is to click the "create" link on the Overview from the event that the expense should be associated to. When on the Overview page, scroll down to the Events section. The column on the right end of the table of events provides a link to create an expense from that event.
- This method is a preferrable method for creating expenses as it completes a lot of the information input that required for an expense, such as account, business purpose, and contacts.
When viewing an event in the Calendar - If you are looking at an event in your calendar, you can add and expense using the steps shown below
- This method also completes associated fields, like the account, business purpose, and contacts
Click on the event to open the "Event Details" Click on the three dots at the top right (arrow) Click on the "Add Expense" link. |
- From the Expense page - Click the Expense link, then click the New Expense button
Following any of the above steps will open the Expense View screen.
Step 1 - Expense Details
The first step in creating an expense is to provide the details of the expense. In this step, the following information should be added:
- Date of Expense
- Expense Amount
- Category (drop-down menu selection)
- Business Purpose
- Method (drop-down menu selection)
- Reimbursed (Yes or No drop-down menu)
- Original Receipt (Yes or No drop-down menu)
- Account (pop-up search window, allowing the user to select the appropriate account)
Once information has been added, click on the Yes or No link in the blue bar, indicating whether or not a receipt needs to be uploaded. Clicking Yes will progress to Step 2, while clicking No will progress to Step 3.
Step 2 - Upload Receipt
The second step allows the user to upload a file as a receipt, as well as provide a description of what was purchased. Clicking Choose File will open a window, allowing the user to navigate to and select the appropriate file. Once a receipt has been selected, use the Yes or No links in the blue bar to attach contacts to the expense in Step 3. If No is selected, the user will be moved to the i-COMPLI validation (Step 4), where the expense can then be saved.
Clicking the Attach File button will allow the user to add an additional receipt. If there is only one receipt for the expense, clicking this button is not necessary.
Acceptable File Formats for receipt uploads
Upload .jpg, .jif, or .jpeg files.
Step 3 - Add Contacts
In the third step, users can associate contacts for the expense. Click the + Add Contact button, and a search window will pop up, allowing the user to add any contact to the expense. However, since the expense should be associated with contacts on the same account as the expense, searching for the account and selecting the appropriate contacts is the suggested method of adding contacts.
Step 4 - i-COMPLI (Stark Allocation)
The last step allows users to appropriately distribute the amount of the expense amongst the associated contacts. This step is usually done automatically, and uses the Contact Type to determine which contacts should have their amounts tracked. If the Contact Type field is blank, or is not eligible for compliance tracking, the contact will not be listed in Step 4.
Tip: If a contact is not showing up in the i-COMPLI step for allocation, check to see if the contact has a Contact Type in Step 3.
Once all of the information for the expense has been properly captured, the record can be saved by clicking the Save button above or below the data entry area of the Expense View. The expense will then show a summary, and a confirmation that the record has been saved.
Clicking the Back to List button above the expense will take the user back to their complete list of expenses. This view is what displays when a user initially clicks on the Expense navigation link.
It should be noted that the Approved column (shown above) will be updated when an administrator or manager approves expenses. The Receipt column will indicate if a receipt has been attached to the expense. If any changes to the expenses need to be made (such as uploading a receipt), users can click the Edit link in the Actions column to make changes to any of the above steps.
By default, most users will not be able to delete expenses and will need to work with their manager or administrator for assistance.
Creating an Expense on Mobile
Create Expense using an Event
For any event listed on the home page, you can tap the three stacked circles to open the menu for the selected event.
Tap the "Add Expense" link to open the "Create Expense" interface. (below) |
Create an Expense using the "Add Expense" link
Create an Expense on the Expense page
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