Contact Sales Zones are features embedded within each Contact profile that will help you stage your conversations with new prospects, proactively build out your profile and move towards referral generation - all at once!
Click View to the left of any Contact recordSales Zones is centered at the top of the page.
Sales Zones is centered at the top of the page. Click the dropdown to open.
There are four zones per Contact:
These zones help you put together a meeting plan that will build rapport with your contacts and drive towards your first referral.
Click Edit Sales Zones to continue. (This turns the whole page into a "form" that can be updated.
Each zone is crafted to highlight the required fields for each call with a new prospect. Think of them like goals. For example, your goal on your first call should be to (at least!) capture the required fields for Zone 1 as part of your initial conversation.
As you meet with your prospect, move through the zones to ensure your conversations are always goal driven and hitting the milestones you need to drive towards referral generation.
Clicking the magnifying glass icon for each Zone will expand the pane, providing more detail into what that zone includes.
For a more in-depth guide to breaking down your event conversations, check out our Foundational Sales Strategies article!
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