March 2024
User Page Updates!
We've updated the User page to more clearly sort users into the correct group! Below you'll find a more detailed explanation of each group of users!
Active Users now ONLY contains active users who have logged into CRM.
Demo users have been pulled out of this list.
Unreleased User now ONLY contains active users who have not logged in.
This is a change from how we previously assigned user here which was based on if they had signed a EULA and no password.
We have also removed demo users from the list.
The delete permission has been removed and updated to disable.
NEW! Demo Users will ONLY contain users that are set as demo users in Administration Console.
This can NOT be changed by users and they are not able to delete, disabled, or edit these licenses.
Inactive Users now ONLY contains user that are NOT active. It does not look at logins.
Users created via Bulk Upload when there are no more licenses available are listed here and can be activated. Activating them will move them to Unreleased.
Goal Visibility Update!
Improve usability of goals and accommodate managers and admins better by allowing results of reps to be hidden from each other.
A new setting has been added to the edit and creation process for goals called, "Allow users to see all results?"
By default, the box will be unchecked. Unless updated, any group goal created or existing will limit what a user can see under Goal Details and Goal History.
If a user's role is "manager", that user will always be able to see all users results under Goal Details and Goal History regardless of the status of the setting.
To see a goal, users must be an associated user or the goal creator.
February 2024
Quick Notes
Templates expedite acclimatization to event expectations, streamlining onboarding processes and ensuring a rapid integration into your sales ecosystem.
Reduce creation time significantly by standardizing free text fields, offering a refined and systematic approach.
Field Names:
Event Purpose & Expected Outcome Options / Business Purpose Options
Call/Visit Notes Options
Easily add new templates or remove templates that no longer fit your sale strategy.
When removing templates, past or future events will retain the text to prevent users from having to re-enter information into event purpose or call/visit notes.
Similarly, when editing the quick note, it will not edit past of future use of the quick notes.
MVP – Only available to use on mobile when creating and completing events
Only users with access to Customize will be able to create new templates.
Users will have to log out on web and mobile to see the new quick notes added and ready to use.
Text limit is ~9,000 characters.
To Create Templates:
Log into the web version of Marketscape CRM.
Navigate to Settings.
On the left side of the page, click on Object under Customize.
Click "Edit" to the left of Events.
Click "Edit" to the left of the field you'd like to templatize.
Event Purpose and Expected Outcome Option
Call/Visit Notes Options
Click the + button to add a new template.
Click Save to add the options.
Event Creation Updates
To improve flexibility and reduce user friction during event creation, allowing a choice on the required objects allows teams to align their sales strategy with their CRM utilization.
Changing the required object will apply to:
ALL users in an account
Web event creation and completion
Mobile event creation and completion
If the requirement is changed, any events that are edited AFTER the change will be held to the update.
Example: If an event was created when contacts were required and then the agency updated the required object to accounts, when the event is completed, edited, or saved it will require an account. It will not require both objects in this scenario.
Only one object can be selected as a required object, both cannot be selected.
Only users with an administrator role can make this change.
January 30, 2024
Order Item reports - HME/INF
Web > Reporting > Order Reports
Three new reports:
- Order Items by Order Owner by Primary Physicians
- Order Items by Order Owner by Referring Person
- Order Items by Order Owner by Referring Facility
These reports pull from the account & contact details, order details, and order items related to the order. They include our multi-user selector to let users run reports for multiple users at once.
- Users have to be assigned to orders to display on the report
- Users have to have an HME/INF role to see this report.
- Report does NOT include patient name.
Unreleased Users - All LOBs
Settings > Users > Unreleased Users
- Streamline user onboarding with our Welcome Email feature. Easily send login credentials to new users, reducing friction and boosting engagement from day one. Admins can now see a list of unreleased users and send welcome emails from Marketscape CRM.
- A welcome email is sent when using this feature to the email entered on the user's profile.
- Welcome emails are only valid for 24-hours but can be resent.
- Emails are sent from
- For the passwords provided in the email to work, users should NOT set a password during the user creation process.
- After a user has a welcome email sent to them, the column "Date Sent" will be updated with the date and time that the email was sent.
- After a user logs in, they will appear under Active Users.
- Only accessible to Admins.
- Welcome emails can only be sent to users who have not logged into CRM on the web or the mobile app.
How to send a welcome email:
- Log in to Marketscape CRM on the web.
- Click on the "Settings" button in the left navigation
- Navigate to the Users page.
- Under Active Users, locate Unreleased Users section.
- Use the checkboxes next to the user's names to select recipients for the email.
- Click the Bulk Action dropdown and choose "Send Welcome Email(s)."
- Confirm your choice in the pop-up window by clicking "OK."
- The email will be sent once you confirm.
Other Enhancements
(these are small updates that should address some annoying pain points!):
- Business Line is now sticky on Role Management
- Settings > Role Management
- When updating permissions for a role, after saving the role, users were taken back to the first set of roles. NOW > after saving the role, users stay on the same LOB to reduce the number of clicks when updating roles on a specific business line.
- Example: I enabled export for a Hospice AE role. After saving the role, I'll land on the Hospice list of roles instead of the Home Health list.
- Accounts/Contacts/Orders/Referrals > Edit Views
- Why? Users often need more that 5 filters when creating views to get to the data list they want so we've updated the limit to 7.
- Edit Event Types
- Settings > Objects > Events > Event Types
- Why? One of the most commonly updated standard fields in CRM and users want the ability to make changes to this list to tailor the event creation process to their sales structure. Admins can edit, update, and add new event types to their accounts to match their sales strategy.
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