Mobile App Versions Released
- Android:
- 23.9.1
- iOS:
- 23.9.1
Update! Daily Visit Report with Contact Details gets new date ranges!
- Thanks to everyone who submitted an request to our Idea Center for this feature update! Starting in September, users can now run this report for a variety of date range options.
Updates! Activity Feed
- We're excited to announce updates to the existing notification feed within web and mobile application!
- On both web and mobile, you'll see visual updates around spacing and texts updates as well as a new time indicator. Easily see when a change was made on your account.
- On web, you'll start to notice badge icons to notify you about changes and updates happening within your CRM accounts.
- Coming Soon! Check back next month for mobile updates to match web!
- We're excited to announce updates to the existing notification feed within web and mobile application!
Update! Admin Role Permissions
- Starting this month, the permission for "Can Export" needs to be selected for any role, including admins, to ensure the icon to appears to allow for exports of accounts, contacts, referrals, or orders.
- Pendo Fixes
- Bug Fixes
- Updates! Activity Feed
- We're excited to announce updates to the existing notification feed within web and mobile application!
- On both web and mobile, you'll see visual updates around spacing and texts updates as well as a new time indicator. Easily see when a change was made on your account.
August Release Notes
- For our HME and Infusion clients, the Overview page has been updated to speak to orders.
- These changes have been made for both managers and sales rep versions.
- For our HME and Infusion clients, we've added the ability to export orders as a permission for all roles.
- The permission can be added or removed for any role under role management.
- An issue where the new event button on the Calendar page was not selecting the correct date when creating a new event has been resolved.
- An issue where favorite reports were temporarily unavailable has been resolved.
July Release Notes
Mobile App Versions Released
- 23.7.1
- Bug fixes
- 23.7.1
- Bug fixes
- Header Navigation has been updated!
- Easily access all purchased products from a single location throughout the application.
- UI Updates
- Icon changes & color changes for Contacts, Patients, Orders, and Users.
- Login screen has been updated for more consistent branding.
- An issue where event times were not accurately reflecting the user's timezone has been resolved.
- An issue where the referral tab filters were not accounting for the year in date fields causing sorting to be inaccurate has been resolved.
- An issue where data between web and mobile were mismatched has been resolved.
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