Marketscape CRM can be customized to add new fields to detail pages, change existing options, and, in some cases, relabel fields to best fit your organization. This article will walk through how to update or rename fields. This is a task that only account administrators can complete.
How to Update an existing field
Open the Customize Objects page
1. Click on the Settings button in the left navigation.
2. Once the Account Info Page appears, click on Objects under the Customize section on the left side of the page.
3. The Customize Objects page will appear presenting you with options to update or add to. Click the "Edit" button next to the page for which you want to edit an object.
Look for the name of the tab that contains the field that you would like to update or add to. For example, if you would like to add additional options to the Non-Admit Reasons list on the Referral tab, click Edit next to Referrals.
Updating Existing Fields:
Within the application, there are fields that can be updated or added to like the Non-Admit Reasons, Insurance Type list, or Event Type. Additionally, existing custom fields can be renamed to ensure consistency within your organization. The instructions below walk through updating these fields.
Adding Additional Options:
1. Navigate to the list of fields present on the tab you would like to update.
2. Click Edit next to the existing field.
3. Update the field by adding the new option to the bottom of the list.
4. Click Save.
New selections should be available immediately after being added; however, it is possible that a user will need to log out and log back in to see new options.
Notes on Custom Event Types:
- When adding new event types, they will always require an account and contact to be associated.
- Do NOT make any changes to the event types Cold Call or Other as this will require users to associate an account and contact when using these selections.
- Do NOT make any changes to the event type In-Service as this will remove the drop-down option available for this type.
- Changes made to Cold Call, Other, and In-Service cannot be recovered.
Re-Labeling Existing Fields:
1. Navigate to the list of fields present on the tab you would like to update.
2. Click Edit next to the existing field.
3. Click the "Relabel" option next to the field you would like to rename.
If there is not a relabel link, then the field name can not be changed.
4. Update the field name.
5. Click Save.
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