Measuring sales reps performance is an important aspect of sales management. In PlayMaker, a manager or administrator can set Admit Goals for users in their organization, individual sales reps can also set goals but those will not be viewable to anyone else. Here are a few important notes:
- Goals will only count admissions, not referrals
- Managers should create them for users so they can maintain visibility to the goals
- Any goals created by a non-administrative or management user will only be viewable to that user
- Only the creator of the goal has the ability to edit or delete the goal in the system
- Goals can only be created on the web
Note: Goals should be created yearly (at the start of your business year) to ensure that historical trends are available. Historical trends will only track the first 12 months of a recurring goal. If goals are not set to recurring, the data will not be tracked in Previous Goals.
Creating an Admit Goal
Under the Stats tab, a new admit goal can be created and current and/or previous goals can be viewed.
- When creating a new goal enter the following:
- Cycle: Choose the time frame for goal (We suggest using the territory or rep name and month/year that the goal is for, i.e. Sandy Anderson - 2019).
- Who: The goal can be set for yourself or another user(s). You can only set a goal for another user if you are a manager or Admin.
- Goal Name: Enter in the title of your goal. Use the timeframe or territory to differentiate multiple goals.
- Target: Enter in the number of admissions for the goal
- Recurring: Goals can be set to recur for the cycle chosen
- Notes: Additional details or notes can be added (optional)
- If you are creating goals for specific users (by choosing Specific Users from the Who is this goal for? drop-down), the “Group Admit Goal by User” section will appear and the user(s) can be added.
- The target number for admits can be applied to all users added to the goal or each user can have a custom target number. Users can also be removed or added after a goal has been saved. Once the goal has been completed, click “Save”.
Here is the completed and active goal dashboard. All current and active goals will show in the drop down box on the right hand side.
- Only the creator of the goal will have the ability to edit or delete the goal.
- The Goal Summary will clearly show how users are trending toward their goal
Active goals will also be available on the left hand side of the screen (pictured below). From this section goals can be duplicated or new goals can be created.
Viewing Previous Goals
Prior goals can be displayed by clicking the Previous Goals button at the top of the Stats page (shown above). Historical goals are available to choose from in a dropdown menu at the top right of the page. Once selected, prior goals will display a chart that shows admits for the goal period. If the goal was recurring, the chart will stop recording data to the chart at the end of 12-months.
Note: Viewing the chart will require the latest version of the Adobe Flash Player.
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